What is the usage of seamless pipe? Seamless steel pipe created in one piece, and cut from a round steel piece directly. It has many different uses and made with more than one method. Extrusion moulds commonly used to construct these economical pipes, while another way is through casting. With this method, molten steel poured into a mould before hardened. Understanding the applications of seamless steel pipes in various industries is important.
The Application & Usage of Seamless Steel Pipes is Mainly in Following Fields
The Construction Field.
Which used for underground pipeline transportation and groundwater extraction;
The Processing Field.
Which used for machining, bearing sleeves, etc.;
Engineering Industry.
Seamless steel pipes highly used in engineering industries in the following sectors: automobile designing technology, food manufacturing technology, measurement and control technology, hydraulic press, cylinders, pumps, etc. Steel Seamless pipes used as a half-finished product in the departments mentioned above. They used as fittings and tubes installed in big machines or as a half-finished product for machined parts.
The Electrical Field.
including pipelines for gas transmission, fluid pipelines for hydro-power generation, etc. The same feature of them is that the use of seamless pipes can avoid problems such as leakage and ensure the effect and safety during use. In giant power plants and energy departments, seamless steel tubes and pipes used as heat exchangers. Waste incineration plants and environmental uses also use re-heater super-heaters
Fertilizer Industry.
Fertilizer manufacturers use steel seamless pipes in several sectors. In the fertilizer industry, the lines mostly applied to piping systems, high-pressure tubes in Melamine plants, and heat exchange systems in urea synthesis ethylene plants. In addition to the areas mentioned above, seamless steel pipes also used in a variety of industries.
Oil and Gas Industries.
The oil casing and tubing for offshore and onshore oil and gas transfer commonly made from seamless steel pipes. In order to transfer oil from one reservoir to another, large tubes needed. Not all materials can handle raw oil without processing. For such purposes, steel seamless pipes are ideal.
Usage of Seamless Pipe in Project Service.
Various liquids, including water, gas, and other fluids, transported using seamless pipes and tubes in petroleum extraction. Seamless steel pipes also used in commercial and residential walls, laboratories, and industrial structures.
Steel Seamless Pipes Used for High Temperature and Pressure Service
Seamless steel pipes and tubes are valuable for transferring liquids in large containers, heating pipelines and boilers, and re-heating high-temperature processes in factories.
Curate Ship-building Parts for International Clients.
Shipbuilding requires seamless steel pipes and tubes for various processes. Exporting a ship that has already built is difficult, but exporting parts that are going to use to construct the ship is much easier. In response to the demand of international dealers, a wide range of seamless steel pipes exported to distant lands. These tubes then used for shipbuilding.

Seamless steel pipes commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial walls, laboratories, factories, and building infrastructure. Massive factories where large amounts of fluid (natural gas, water, waste and air) transferred use seamless steel pipes. A number of processes used in factories to make these pipes rigid, weather-resistant, long-lasting, and massive in size. IBC (Tianjin) Industrial Co., Ltd are. specializing in the production and sales of carbon steel pipes, alloy pipes, stainless steel pipes, etc., welcome to call us for consultation.

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